Orders & availability


In our effort to provide a fully accessible and optimized user experience for all site visitors, our company has taken careful measures to ensure an excellent user experience.

When you place an order, you will receive an email confirming receipt and acceptance of your order.

If you would like to make changes to your order or the delivery time, contact us via email.

Product Availability

Every item is distinct and one-of-a-kind, exactly as depicted and described, and cannot be found in alternate sizes or colors. We guarantee that you will be notified directly and in time if there is no availability of our products. You will be sent an email alerting you to the unavailability of the item within one day following your order. We will process a refund of your payment within five business days after your order placement.


If you desire to cancel your order immediately after it’s been placed and prior to its shipment, please reach out to us via email, and we will cancel it without any fees. To ensure cancellations without additional charges, it’s crucial to contact us promptly. However, if the shipping process has already been done, our standard return policy will apply.
The same conditions hold true if you intend to promptly modify one or more of the items you’ve chosen within the order you’ve made.

Every order is subject to product availability and confirmation of the order price. In the event that a product is either unavailable or not available at the order price, we may be required to cancel your entire order or a portion of it.

We retain the right not to submit your order if we cannot secure authorization for your payment.

Because of the unique nature of our product offerings, each item is strictly limited to one per product. However, there may be situations where multiple orders for the same product are submitted almost simultaneously by different customers, before we can update the online store to indicate its unavailability. If such a situation arises with one of your online orders, you will be notified within one business day from the date of your order about the product’s unavailability. If you have already made a payment for the product, your refund will be processed within 5 business days.